Friday, 15 March 2013

Magazine or ball of wool

Hurrarrrr to almost the end of another week. Have Ollie the collie as house guest until tomorrow afternoon. I do hope the neighbours decide soon if they will be moving to liverpool or not as i'd kind of like to know if and when Ollie will be mine.

Just read this blog and have this on my long list of things to do.

Have discussed Easter with the mother and decided i would much rather have a ball of wool or a craft magazine instead of an easter egg, she has opted for a box of maltesers. Currently there are only about 10 storage boxes of wool in the house but can you walk past a shop selling them and £1 a ball.

Finished the 'recieving blanket' for my friend and am trying the baby shoes from the latest Simply Crochet mag. As mentioned in this blog

Still wondering about the non jewellery craft fair in june.......................


  1. Those candle holders are looking great, Cazz! I think I'd much rather have a ball of wool than an easter egg - and I don't even knot/crochet. Have a great weekend. x

  2. Hi Cazz, I have awarded you a blogger award :)
